
Setinahighfantasyuniverse,thegamefollowsthreeheroesastheyattempttopreventanempirefromconqueringtheworldwiththepowerofanancientflying ...Gameplay·Plot·Development·Reception,評分63%(59)ForSecretofManaontheSuperNintendo,GameFAQshas24guidesandwalkthroughs.,SecretofManaisthesecondinstallmentintheManavideogameseries.ThiswastheonlyManagamereleasedontheSNESoutsideJapan.SecretofManaBestiary·Items·Flamm...

Secret of Mana

Set in a high fantasy universe, the game follows three heroes as they attempt to prevent an empire from conquering the world with the power of an ancient flying ... Gameplay · Plot · Development · Reception

Secret of Mana FAQs, Walkthroughs, and Guides for Super Nintendo

評分 63% (59) For Secret of Mana on the Super Nintendo, GameFAQs has 24 guides and walkthroughs.

Secret of Mana | Wiki of Mana

Secret of Mana is the second installment in the Mana video game series. This was the only Mana game released on the SNES outside Japan. Secret of Mana Bestiary · Items · Flammie · Basilisk

Secret of Mana on Steam

評分 3.0 (2,189) Originally released in 1993, Secret of Mana is by far the most popular title in the “Mana” series and has now undergone a much-awaited full 3D remake!

Secret of Mana : Unknown: Video Games

評分 3.8 (133) Released in 1993, Square's Secret of Mana is a game in their line of SNES releases that was perhaps a bit overshadowed by Final Fantasy and Chrono Trigger. The ...

Secret of Mana Nintendo SNES Video Games for sale

Secret of Mana is an action role-playing game, or RPG. It was originally released for Super Nintendo in Japan in 1993, and released in the U.S. with an English ...

[PDF] Secret of Mana

Do not despair, and never give up hope. Combine sword skill and magic arts. Return the Energy. Orbs to the Tree of Mana and restore balance to our world.

I just played Secret of Mana for the first time on SNES.

Secret of Mana wasn't really a difficult game, but they had a lot of tedious moments with the combat. Sometimes in order to get through a ...

Any reason to play the SNES version over Collection of Mana?

There's a hack for the snes version who lets you play 3 players coop in Secret of mana 2 while the original only lets you play 2 players coop.

[Test Super Nintendo] Secret Of Mana

[OLD RAW] // Date d'enregistrement : 13 Avril 2009 Une légende, un mythe, une poésie... Qu'on se le dise, il s'agit de l'un des (Le ?)